Looking for help navigating the twists and turns of life?

I offer sessions that support your journey.

Because life isn't always a straight line

Let's start

Come As You Are

Hypnosis and subconscious mind work starts where you are at.

Simply book a 15 minute Discovery Consultation below and we will go over your challenges, your goals, and then create a plan to work with your subconscious mind to get you on your best path.

My Unique Approach

A Nurturing


In the modern world, we often forget to nurture ourselves. But humans are like plants, we need the right nutrients and sunlight to thrive.

One important nutrient for humans is nurturing love. I include it in every session.

Humor As Medicine

Ever heard that the quickest way to enlightenment is to Lighten Up?

Humor is a tool for navigating good times and bad. No matter what you are going through, a little laughter can always help open the heart and mind to new perspectives.

A Seasoned Guide

Life's twists and turns can be hard to navigate alone. Sometimes we need a guide. How about someone who's walked the trail a few times?

I've lived through many different seasons of life and experience has become an invaluable asset. Let me guide you through your current season to manage the difficulties and celebrate this unique chapter.

The Effectiveness of Hypnosis

Consulting Hypnosis uses dedicated sessions consisting of relaxation techniques, visualizations, verbal suggestion, and focus to leverage the power of the unconscious mind to accomplish your personal goals. Although commonly misunderstood, this practice been utilized for centuries based on a two step process.

Step 1- Relax The Mind

Here, I will assist in the process known as “induction”. The goal is to relax the mind into Theta brainwaves. Out of the four brain wave states (Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta), the Theta state is the most relaxed state without being completely asleep. This is when the conscious mind is closest to the subconscious mind.

Note: Even in deep states of relaxation, you will still be fully aware of what is happening and have full capacity. Hypnosis as I use it does not mirror "Stage Hypnosis", where audience members perform outlandish acts seemingly against their will. Everything we do is with your full permission in order to achieve the results you desire.

Step 1- Relax The Mind

Here, I will assist in the process known as “induction”. The goal is to relax the mind into Theta brainwaves. Out of the four brain wave states (Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta), the Theta state is the most relaxed state without being completely asleep. This is when the conscious mind is closest to the subconscious mind.

Note: Even in deep states of relaxation, you will still be fully aware of what is happening and have full capacity. Hypnosis as I use it does not mirror "Stage Hypnosis", where audience members perform outlandish acts seemingly against their will. Everything we do is with your full permission in order to achieve the results you desire.

Step 2- Set New Patterns

Once the conscious mind is relaxed, I will use phrases and words designed to assist you in your goal, whether that is losing weight, reducing pain, eliminating a phobia, or even retrieving past life memories. This is when new patterns are set and transformation can occur.

There is no loss of consciousness or amnesia in this process. The client is completely in control and aware of what is happening. Dr. David Spiegel, a hypnosis expert and professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University School of Medicine says “While most people fear losing control in hypnosis, it is in fact a means of enhancing mind-body control."

An Ancient Approach to the Mind

“Clinical Hypnotherapy, and healing at the unconscious level, is therefore the furtherest thing from a “new-age” therapy… it’s the oldest and most fundamental therapy available to mankind.” (Link- Harmony Hypnotherapy)

“As a hypnotherapist I have found that some people assume hypnosis is a recent innovation of the New Age movement, which spread through metaphysical communities in the 1970s and 1980s. Actually, hypnosis has been used in the United States since the mid-1800s, and was advanced by pioneers of modern psychology like Sigmund Freud, Pierre Janet, and Alfred Binet among others.” (Link - https://johnmongiovi.com/history-hypnosis)

An Ancient Approach to the Mind

“Clinical Hypnotherapy, and healing at the unconscious level, is therefore the furtherest thing from a “new-age” therapy… it’s the oldest and most fundamental therapy available to mankind.” (Link- Harmony Hypnotherapy)

“As a hypnotherapist I have found that some people assume hypnosis is a recent innovation of the New Age movement, which spread through metaphysical communities in the 1970s and 1980s. Actually, hypnosis has been used in the United States since the mid-1800s, and was advanced by pioneers of modern psychology like Sigmund Freud, Pierre Janet, and Alfred Binet among others.” (Link - https://johnmongiovi.com/history-hypnosis)

My Services



Smoking Cessation

Ready to quit smoking? We have the fast track to a smoke-free life. No more cravings, no more mandatory smoke breaks, no more worrying about your health.

Habits start and end in the mind. Hypnosis is the path to rewriting the subconscious and freeing you to live without tobacco.


Weight Management

If you’ve tried diets, exercise, and weight loss programs without any real and lasting progress, it is time to try Hypnosis.

This is a revolutionary approach to weight control. Heal the mind and the body follows.


Fear and Phobias

Fears and phobias are ideal to treat with Hypnosis. Fears and phobias live in the subconscious mind, and that is where Hypnosis works best .

Your subconscious reaction to a trigger happens far before your conscious mind is even aware of what is happening. Wouldn’t it be nice to have your subconscious mind react differently?


Limiting Beliefs

Are you holding yourself back? What are your limiting beliefs? Hypnosis is the most powerful and direct tool to re-write deep seeded beliefs.

Book a call to discover what is holding you back and make a plan for powerfully moving forward.



Do you have a past experience that you still carry with you? Or perhaps some part of how you react to the world today is rooted in something that happened long ago?

Regression hypnosis is a powerful tool to travel back to a previous time and then integrate and process the experience. With a trusted guide you can find a new sense of inner peace and integrate your past to free you in your present.

Reiki & Healing Touch


60 Minute Session

This is a non-physical, energetic boosting healing session. It will relax your body and nervous system. It will relax your mind and your emotions. But best of all, it provides you with a flow of energy to support your body to relax, regenerate, and repair.

Grief Counseling


Individual Session - 60 Minutes

Experience of loss, be it pet’s or a close relationship, is challenging for every single person. What you need is help through the grieving process. With kind, caring, thoughtful and humorous support you will have the easiest time to process your loss. It’s never easy, but at least you don’t have to do it alone.


Group Sessions- Online

2- 10 individuals coming together in a convenient Zoom session to share together, be seen in your vulnerable moments, and open our hearts together to feel the depth of the loss.

Meet Sue Hamilton, CHT

Professional Hypnotist and Founder of


My life has been one of winding, twisty turns and detours which got me to where I am .

There has been much joy and happiness as well as pain and great sorrow.

Along the way, I’ve learned many ways to help you on your winding road.

Hypnosis is an amazing tool, it can get to the problem fairly quickly.

It does not mean you don’t have to do the work in healing. I am also available for grief counseling and energy work. I’m a firm believer in trying different things.

If one thing doesn’t quite work as well as we were hoping for, there are other things that can work to peel away those layers. I’m here to help.

Let me know how I can work with you.

Get In Touch

Assistance Hours

Mon – Fri 9:00am – 5:00pm

Sat & Sunday – as needed

Phone Number:

(425) 231-5979



Copyright Winding Road Hypnotherapy 2023